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Gold Peak

I think he does it on purpose...
Walking around the house with those boxers shorts fitting in all the right places just for my eyes to see. The print of his dick swaying with every step made me doubletake almost like it was waving at me.
I have to get in there but a nympho in stealth mode is always the way to be, I’ll wait til he lays across the couch with his eyes tired from television and eventually falls asleep. 
There it is.
I can see it peaking out making my anxious kitten pant in heat, on my knees before my maker as I rest beneath his feet. Slow and steady sliding slippery into my mouth and on my tongue, I love to stroke it with my hands and admire just how big this dick is truly hung. 
Around the head 3 times and back down swallowing the whole shaft, I take my time with such precious jewels and I’m highly skilled within my craft. 
Gargling, spitting, slurping, choking, gagging and everything in between, I can’t stop I’m an animal, like some kinda  “Prototype Dick Eating 3000” mechanically modified machine.
The sensation of it thumping hitting the back of my throat or the slight drowning feeling when I choke and spit comes out of my nose, the figure 8’s that I create with my slab on his great pole...squirting his warm DNA into the portal of my existence and I love the surrendering taste of his satisfied soul. 

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